Posts Tagged ‘ Comics ’

Score Tissue Page 18: Marvelous


There are times when it is easy being a rabid Marvel comics fan-boy.
This isn’t one of those times.

Yes, believe it or not, I didn’t create Franken-Castle just for the punchline for this strip. A billion dollar corporation actually believes that this is a good direction for what should be Marvel’s grimiest and most realistic comic book.

But since most of the corporation’s profits come from movie adaptations, (an area the Punisher hasn’t had much success with, despite repeated efforts.) they probably thought “What the heck, let’s go nuts.”

Hi-Score visits MCM….Coming Soon

To celebrate Hi-Scores move to cover Movies, Comics, Books, Anime and more, we will be attending the MCM Expo in October. The Expo covers everything from Videogames to Anime and we’ll be exploring the halls and reporting on everything of interest.

Held in the Excel arena in London, the Expo is a sprawling sea of tables with merchandise, cosplayers, people holding up signs for ‘free hugs’ and everything a geek would love. Below is a list of things we will be covering;

We will be covering the Universal Studios Panel featuring special guest Elijah Wood who stars in Universal’s fantasy epic ‘9’, an action-packed adventure, directed by Shane Acker. We’ll also try to shoot some questions at Tom Baker of Dr Who fame and Craig Charles, Red Dwarf’s very own Dave Lister.

When it comes to Comics we’ll be talking to some great people, including; Andy Diggle, Kieron Gillen, Andie Tong and Helen McCarthy. Hopefully we’ll grab some signed issues to be given away to you wonderful readers.

Obviously we’ll be covering the games on show as well, confirmed so far are; Bayonetta, Monster Hunter 3, Tekken 6, Tales of Symphonia, Tatsunoko vs Capcom andmany more.

If you’re in the area or fancy travelling along, go HERE for tickets, let us know if you’re going along so you can come and say hello to us.