Posts Tagged ‘ Games news ’

Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer Footage

Infinity Ward have finally released an un edited video of the much anticipated Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer. Its pretty special…

Im not sure if they were playing competitive game as it looked a little too easy. Even if it was a little staged it was still very impressive. As much as the throwing knives made me grin the real promising feature looks to be the host migration. If this works then it will improve the MP so much. So many times have I been having the game of my life to have the connection die, or thats my excuse anyway.

There is much more to talk about in this video and even more which I have not even noticed. Cant wait to see an in depth analysis video from some of the real Call of Duty faboys.

Stay frosty and bring on November 10.

Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Videos

If your anything like me then you have been devouring every little bit of information about the upcoming Halo 3 Mythic maps. Things have been rather quiet since Bungie showed us the first pictures in July. But now with ODST out soon there has been an increase in updates. I came across this little video on youtube showcasing alot of footage from different websites. Ignore some of the dodgy gameplay if you can and just have a look at these exciting new maps.

So? What do you think?

If you recognized the first map thats because its a remake of the ever popular Halo 2 map Midship. Should be a great little map to play FFA and Slayer. The map thats got me very excited is Longshore. The early screenshots showed some promise for a good big team map and this video proves me right.

I follow quite a few Bungie staff members on Twitter and one of their artists, enfu posted this..

I worked closely with Steve Cotton, Matt Bennier, & Lars Bakken on Longshore. It’s a bigger map than you think.

Hopefully all this news will have got your somwhere near as excited as me.

EDGE, 200 Issues, 200 Covers

To celebrate the 200th edition of the magazine EDGE, Future publishing are creating 200 different covers for the celebratory issue. A history of video games can be seen across all the covers, you can almost hear the collectors crying.
I’ll have the Dizzy one………..No wait…….Earthworm Jim………….No wait………..I could go on forever.
Take a look for yourself.
